MxM News – Access the news that matters

MxM News app by Telegraph Creative

MxM NewsApp Description :

MxM News delivers curated news that cut through the censorship, mainstream bias, and institutional dominance that has left society divided and misinformed.

App Features :

The platform allows readers to access the news that matters, particularly when it is being ignored. Updated minute-by-minute with news coverage from a diversity of publications and topics, readers have a one stop to be informed and stay informed.

Additional Information :

  • Age Rating 17+
  • Size 59.6 MB
  • Requires iOS 11.0 or later.

User Reviews :

A little bias, but shares all news agencies

The one star reviews are more than clear that they come from people on the far left. Maybe they’re clever and try to come off centrist, but if you use the app, you can tell that the 1 star reviews are from far left. What other app of ANY genre has 5 stars as the most, 1 star as the second most? Almost none. Most apps have 5 or 4 stars as the most, then maybe 3, etc., but not one or the other. Even if you’re a far left liberal, if you’re intelligent, and choose to be clear headed and open minded, pragmatism shows that this is clearly the case of who is going out of their way to give 1 star.

I’m giving it 4 stars because it is a little too geared to the right, not extreme, but it could be a little less bias in my humble opinion.

App does not load and other major issues

This app has major issues. First thing during the signup process, the app gives you a spinning loading circle and nothing happens. You do not get a confirmation that you signed up with your email address. When you try logging in the signup page shows a spinning circle and you are never able to log in. If you request to rest your password for the first time, you immediately get an error message that you exceeded the number of attempts to rest your password for today, even though this is the first time I click on reset password today. If these issues are not fixed immediately, this app will be useless to everyone who tries to signup for this app. Be aware the signup process is not working at all. The company must let all users there is a problem with the signup process, fix all issues immediately and then let people know the problem has been fixed, and was properly tested. Then let all people know you can now signup for his app

Can’t use App

Just downloaded it and tried to create an account. Ball will not stop spinning so couldn’t complete set up. Shut down and and tried to set up account again but now says my email is already registered but ball keeps spinning. Shut down again and tried to change password but told I had exceeded the daily attempt to change password. That was first attempt! Please fix this as I want to access this App! My iPhone is using 15.3.1. Is this not compatible? The login requirement is clearly keeping some people off this app! Very frustrating!!!!! Update: APP is working now! Great! Now I am told to update the APP. Hope this doesn’t mess up anything when I download the update!

You Read, You Decide

After about an hour checking out most of the features, I did not have any problems with the app. I read lots of stories from more sources than I’ve seen in a long time. I usually go to about a dozen different sites for news. This app was very fast across all different sources. Those of you rating the app one star, seem to have a political motivation that is disconnected from the app itself. Poor ratings & frustrating language typically come from those who have problems with their slow WiFi or slow phones or both. I recommend giving it a try. There are lots of news sources here across the spectrum. It might just open my mind some.

All the sources so you’re actually informed

This app gives you all the sources with no suppression. People here are writing angry reviews that it is an “echo chamber,” but opening it up I see stories from político, USA Today, Newsweek, business insider, AP, and Bloomberg. These are definitely not right wing sources, and this is obviously by no means an no “echo chamber.”

These people seem to be upset that their own echo chamber has been breached. They don’t want to read anything unless they agree with it before opening it.

Unless you read a story from all sides you are uninformed, and thanks to this app I will no longer be force fed ONLY left wing propaganda but I will still be able to read it to get a broader picture.

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