TOR Browser PRO – Access to dark web as well as unblock any website

(App) TOR Browser PRO

TOR Browser PROApp Description :

TORBrowser PRO is the best FREE app featuring a high performance TOR powered browser.

TORBrowser PRO has been engineered on the latest technology of tor network which has been designed for faster and more secure access to dark web as well as unblock any website.

Characteristic to TOR, your browsing history or search terms are not archived/saved or indexed by search engines ( The TOR Network protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your browsing history as well as your physical location. A must app to use on public Wifi networks.

App Features :

Secure internet access tunneled over the Tor network.
Websites you visit will not detect your real IP address.
ISPs and insecure public wifi networks won’t be able to sniff your browsing.
Access .onion websites from deep web, which are only accessible through the TOR network.
Modern web browsing capability with tab controls, and popover detection and blocking capabilities.

For just $0.99, enjoy premium features on top of FREE features:
Ads-Free experience.
Unlimited session time and high bandwidth tunneling.
Personalized and priority Support.

Have you found a bug, got a suggestion, or want a new feature?
Email us at: support[at]

Privacy Policy:

Additional Information :

  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
  • Requires iOS 9.0 or later.
  • Size 55.9 MB

User Reviews :

  1. I love the fact “We the People” across all nations, believe in the fact that (peeping) into the homes of any persons is a “criminal act”. This unequivocal fact should always play a role In the minds of current (peeking toms)over the web. Peeping in the homes of families in anyway, dramatically reduces trust in any environment. Google is ran by normal human beings that are just like us. GOOGLE EMPLOYEES/laborers wake up, wash their face, brush their teeth, put on their clothes to head to work just like the rest of us EMPLOYEES l. These same employees/laborers, particularly GOOGLE laborers/employees peeps into our homes with promises that “internet peeping toms” are part of GOOGLES value system and considers peeping into the homes of kids and families as a badge of “marketing” honor. TOR on their other hand, relinquishes the idea GOOGLE(employees/everyday laborers standby: GOOGLE promotes the idea of letting (Peeping Toms) into our children’s bedrooms which of course goes against TOR’s unwavering believe, that each functional individual should, with no doubt, experience peace, privacy, and the luxury of knowing your security is part of TOR’s value system.
  2. If you believe that control of what you share online is a choice that belongs to you, then there are additional steps that need to be taken. Device makers, most web browsers, social media sites, app developers and now ISP providers are empowered and emboldened to collect our data. Even when these entities are not legally permitted to collect data that can personally identify a particular user, it’s being done surreptitiously. We all know that. The most recent catastrophe amongst the series of disasters that define Facebook’s end-user security proves that these companies are simply not up to the task of protecting our privacy. In many cases, their corporate objective is to obstruct our online privacy. The Tor Browser is one of the best tools that can be utilized to reclaim a degree of online privacy and thereby greater control over the information that we choose to share with the online world. It’s probably worth the price of a small cup of coffee to have that choice put back into the right hands.

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