TerraGenesis – Explore Space and Terraform Planets

(Game) TerraGenesis – Explore Space and Terraform Planets


Game Description :

Engage in space exploration and terraform new worlds in this fun and exciting planet building simulator that’s rooted in real science.

The universe is your playground in TerraGenesis!

The wait for the biggest update in TerraGenesis’ history is finally over – now you can create custom organisms and allow them to interact and build their own global ecosystem with the new Biospheres. Change your world’s atmospheric pressure, oxygen amount, sea level and more in pursuit of terraforming an entire world to sustain life in your newly generated Biosphere.

TerraGenesis dynamically animates entire planets with changing biospheres, all based on real data from NASA. Explore the surface of the all new Dwarf Planets, colonize alien worlds, and spread life across the universe in epic games with Biospheres finally available for you to grow your own civilizations.

Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Game Features :

Start exploring the furthest reaches of space and inhabit one of six all new dwarf planets to build your terraforming colony
Explore the frigid Boreas. Melt the ice caps to create planet-wide oceans and seed the planet with life (free for players who bought all of the previous planets)
Build Satellite Colonies on moons orbiting your planet and conduct engineering projects from space for powerful terraforming bonuses
Track your civilization’s progress and view your world’s current status with the Stats Summary Page
Transfer Genesis points from world to world, with no game-specific limitations

Finally, you can now build your own functioning ecosystem with interacting, custom organisms
Start with 26 different phylums and add 64 unique genes to create all kinds of amazing organisms to inhabit your world
Watch your lifeforms thrive in both terrestrial and aquatic biospheres and experience 12 completely new and random events

Generate random worlds with complete surface and elevation maps, unique starting conditions and more

Colonize real planets from our solar system, including Mars, Venus, Mercury and Earth
Terraform orbital satellites, including The Moon, The Galilean Moons, Five Moons of Saturn, Neptune’s Moon and Five Moons of Uranus
Build colonies on fictional planets, made specially for TerraGenesis, including Bacchus, Ragnarok, Pontus, Lethe and Boreas
Terraform now offers newly playable Dwarf Planets, including Ceres, Pluto, Charon, Makemake, Eris and Sedna

Terraform your planets by altering specific properties of each world, including air pressure, oxygen, atmosphere, sea levels and biomass
Keep track of your colony to regulate specific planetary attributes, including population and credits

Daughters of Gaia
Sons of Hephaestus
United Nations Space Administration (UNSA)
Horizon Corporation

Colonize entire worlds one step at a time, by creating pressurized habitats for your colonists so they can survive in hostile environments
Terraform the planet to support human life. You can even restructure Earth to reverse the effects of climate change
Create Satellite Colonies on your planet’s moons to research space exploration

Visit the TerraGenesis Archives to learn about real-life space colonization and terraforming efforts
Read about space exploration and see how real world scientists are working to make interplanetary colonization a reality

When the world is in your hands, the possibilities are truly endless. Download TerraGenesis and start terraforming today!

Additional Info :

Designed for both iPhone and iPad

Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Size: 105 MB.

User reviews :

When I first started the game I didn’t know what to do. But when I started the tutorial I found that this game is extremely fun!! When I terraformed my first planet I felt so accomplished. And then I started to terraform so many different planets and moons. So overall great game and I love that it is based on real scientific facts and experiments!

It’s a great game, gives you options and takes time. Maximize efficiency at first, then find a balance.

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