Snapchat – Life’s more fun when you live in the moment

(App) Snapchat

SnapchatApp Description :

Life’s more fun when you live in the moment 🙂 Happy Snapping!

App Features :

Please note: Snapchatters can always capture or save your messages, such as by taking a screenshot or using a camera. Be mindful of what you Snap!

Additional Information :

  • Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
  • Size: 220 MB

User Reviews :

Wanna Im liment a new feature to be able to crop videos from memories. Or more precisely after recording?

Also the next update that hasn’t been released yet I’m not a huge fan of. I’d like the conversations to be in the same order they were last active, as well as stories. Convincing them on one screen is inconvenient. I also dislike that you have the contact’s bitmoji on the notification. I’d like options where you can choose all contact’s bitmoji’s appearance on notifications or be able to select which ones do just like how you can choose who can see your location. Why? People can depict who snapped you based off of the avatar on your screen if they are mutual friends with them(just an example)
Some people don’t want others to know who they associate with to that degree. I also would like the selection of who you send a snap to more prominent. Jus s small blue check mark can easily be over looked if you’re sending a mass snap for streaks or a small group of people. I prefer the current version where it just highlights the entire name and the box it lays in. Streak timers could also be more monument as well.

Overall a fun app. The augmented reality has always been surprisingly good for a free app and it’s a neat way to keep in touch with friends. But please LOOSE THE FEATURED STORIES. I get it you need your advertising to keep the app free. But at least give me the option to turn them off so I don’t have a continuous page of straight click-bait garbage on my stories page. It really wouldn’t be a bad idea if it wasn’t filled with the lowest quality, click bait based, bias, propaganda filled “news” sources. Not all of them are this way but an overwhelming majority of them are. It’s annoying when I have channels like “Now-This”, who have been proven to edit news to fit their own propaganda goals and put out pure lies, shoved down my throat on a daily basis. Like I said I get Snapchat needs it’s advertising money, but at the very least have enough respect for me to allow me to choose what news sources pop up on my feed and allow me to block others. These force fed “News” sources are the number one problem with Snapchat right now.

I love Snapchat and use it as my primary form of communication with my friends from all over the place. I love the stories feature and the explore feature and the snapmap! I also am a huge fan of streaks and have an idea that would help other people out that are really into keeping streaks. I think in a new update there should be a Streaks Section either above or below the “Recents”. This section would allow you to immediately see and select which streaks you would like to send your content to. For me, I have way more streaks than in my best friends or recent sections and know that a lot of people would enjoy the convenience of this Streak Section! Also, this would make sure that people never missed a streak unintentionally and make customers much more happy! Other than that one idea I think Snapchat is amazing

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