AllSides – Balanced News and Headline Roundups

AllSides – Balanced News

AllSidesApp Description :

Don’t be fooled by media bias, fake news and misinformation. AllSides provides balanced news and media bias ratings.

Get news from The New York Times, Fox News, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Daily Caller and hundreds more, all in one place. Instantly see the best political news coverage from the left, center and right.

Compare headlines side-by-side to get the full story. It’s the best and fastest way to avoid being misled by partisan media.
800+ Media Bias Ratings reveal the political leaning of any outlet.
Quickly find news and information on 100+ different topics.

We make the political bias of hundreds of news sources transparent, so you can easily identify different perspectives and avoid being manipulated by partisan media.

App Features :

Balanced News and Headline Roundups. Compare stories from the left, center, and right, side-by-side so you can get diverse perspectives, spot media bias, and think for yourself.

Media Bias Ratings. 800+ media bias ratings reveal the political leaning of any news outlet. Add your voice to the ratings.
Topics and Issues. Quickly find news and information on 100+ different topics.

Perspectives Blog. Media Bias Alerts, commentary and analysis to help you explore media literacy, political polarization, bias, filter bubbles, and more.

Bias is natural, but hidden media bias misleads and divides us. By providing a balanced newsfeed informed by hundreds of media bias ratings, AllSides frees people from one-sided information bubbles so they can better understand the world — and each other.

Additional Information :

  • Age Rating 12+
  • Size 20 MB
  • Requires iOS 12.0 or later.

User Reviews :

Finally found a balanced news feed

I don’t want to get all my news from a single source. But you can no longer trust big tech companies to curate news feeds. (Google being possibly the worst offender.) Their feeds only feature sources with an extreme left-wing woke bias. It’s all activism pretending to be journalism, complete with over-the-top name calling and editorializing on stories that should be just reporting facts. They only include sources that are in lock step with government censors who try to suppress any journalism that questions those in power. Or it’s all click-bait “outrage porn” that panders to your preferences.

It took me forever to find a news app that tries to maintain some balance. I love that they prominently display the leanings of the news source, or feature multiple sources for each topic so you can get the bigger picture.

My only critique is that the news feed is too short and prompts you to go to their website for more stories. I should be able to browse most if not all the content from the app itself.

Very Good

Legitimately gives coverage of a wide spectrum of general news articles covering topics labeled either “Right” leaning, “Left” leaning, and “Center”(Thank you..) which is extremely helpful in todays world. Only thing is I’d like to see is a larger variety of news topics daily, but maybe I’m being unfair or just wrong on that one. Overall 5 star’s. Great download no matter what political party you affiliate with. Don’t limit your news content by simply following one outlet or news channel on TV. This app breaks obvious news narratives that are pushed by certain corporations that are used to win you over which is how most people become bias without even noticing in my opinion. *Cough* “CNN, Fox” *Cough, cough*

Well done! I dumped all my other aggregate news apps. TY!

I’m done doom scrolling! This app is great bc it offers an assessment of the bias inherent in the source and it points out the language used to push their bias. If gives choices to read from other prospectives and makes it easier to read center based reporting. It is extremely useful for people to have more awareness around issues and more inoculation to the bias inherent on both sides of the political spectrum. The tools to discover your own bias where extremely helpful to me. Glad I can be more honest with myself about who I actually am and not who I think of myself as.

This should be number 1 in the news category

You shouldn’t be told what to think and that’s all news outlets seem to do anymore. All Sides gives you the news and let’s you expand on the left and right perspectives for each topic. Doing this helps each of us to make our own informed decisions. This should be the number 1 downloaded app in the news category.

Finally Real Balance news

After spending the last four years reading fake news from liberal and conservative news sources. I am so happy that finally I have real news source has been invented to show all sides.

You can delete google news as well as ABC NBC CNN and Fox this app will provide you all the new sources and rate them on political biasness,And unlike Twitter and Facebook the fact checkers aren’t biased either.

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