
Moon Surfing – Grab a solar board and surf on the moon

(Game) Moon Surfing

Moon Surfing  Game Description :

Grab a solar board and surf the moon’s dusty hills and steep craters. It is up to you – if you roam freely, perhaps practicing some kickflips, or if you head directly to the marked waypoints.

Game Features :

All the game’s 5184 areas are procedurally generated. The landscapes early in the game, are reminiscent of NASA’s Apollo program. But, when you reach the far side of the moon, the terrain algorithm gets increasingly out of hand, producing an ethereal topography, suited only for the most experienced of players.

Moon Surfing’s online server keeps track of your progress and the progress of all other players. You will know which areas have been conquered already, and when. All players are in this together.

Privacy notice: the player IDs are randomly generated for each device and are anonymous.

Additional Information :

User Reviews :

  1. Unlocking for less than a cheeseburger has been completely worth it these past six months and it’s not even close. Perfect for being at peace or exercising exploratory brain bits for a while on the commute to work or back home or whenever needed. Great for playing while listening to podcast or excellent sound design. Unlike other games you pay for the design just keeps going. Don’t get the complaints about each spot on the moon not being interconnected somehow and personally I dig the minimalism. Also there are free play levels you just need to look for an infinity symbol above the landing point on the moon map.
  2. This game is pretty fun and presents an interesting idea. It runs well for what it wants to do and is a fun way to pass the time. I found a major exploit though. If you bring the board parallel to a cliff or any un-climbable slope and continuously slide towards the direction of the slope, you can completely scale it. I even tried this on the beginning level and I was able to go from the bottom of the valley all the way to the top of the steep cliffs. Other than that flaw I found, the tricks feel underwhelming at best and don’t add anything to the game (other than the exploit I found). I hope the dev sees this and takes into account what i have said, thanks.
  3. It’s a free app and didn’t even know that the blue wall was not playable I thought it was a new part of the moon so I just ignored it but wen I got there it was horrible disappointment because I really liked the game all in all. If half the game is not free then don’t make it free or make the whole game free. Also I think it would be cool if the game was open world and not timed the game States that you can explore the moon but without open world that’s in possible and that’s all I want to say. Send Cearley a 3rd grader

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